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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Memento \Me*men"to\, n.; pl. Mementos. [L., remember, be mindful, imper. of meminisse to remember. See Mention.] A hint, suggestion, token, or memorial, to awaken memory; that which reminds or recalls to memory; a souvenir.

Seasonable mementos may be useful.


n. (plural of memento English)

Usage examples of "mementos".

And mementos from Smyrna and Istanbul and Crete and the islands and Attica, and now from Cairo, from Egypt.

She looks at my little mementos and imagines all sorts of grand things, having no idea how tattered my life has been.

But women tended to keep mementos and their diĀ­vorce hadn't been a bitter one, so maybe she hadn't destroyed whatever pictures she'd had.

In the cabin he now shared with Quayne were all his mementos: her picture taped on the bulkhead, her letters worn and wrinkled with rereading, the scarf he had filched from her in Lisbon, a single cracking snapshot of the infant.

He could not yet trust himself to speak his son's name aloud, and she had done all that: dug up the mementos, faced them, handled them, made a nice ornamental arrangement of them.

Curtains slashed, mementos crushed, tables and chairs viciously broken and tossed in pieces on the floor.

Instead of trinkets and mementos, he could have found her broken on the floor.

These savages never created or possessed or preserved any mementos of their history aside from some plicate paper folders, skins and panels bearing multitudes of primitive figures such as children might scribble.

We submit that such was the fitting end for those pagan mementos, and we doubt that there remain any others in all the regions of New Spain thus far explored.

The excuse was not entirely an untruth, but my real reason was that the original maps were precious to me as mementos of my wanderings, some of which I had made in company with my adored Zyanya, and I simply wanted to keep them.

The people also patronized the midway joints, eating and drinking, buying slum mementos of the occasion.

That pleased the troupers, for most of them wanted to keep their billets as mementos of the occasion, and some planned to frame and hang them in their caravans.

Shelves held a few mementos from planets where he had walked, together with a codex Spanish Bible.

Austere furnishings revealed little that was personal other than some views and mementos from the India that had been.