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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Melodramatist \Mel`o*dram"a*tist\, n. One who acts in, or writes, melodramas.


n. 1 A writer of melodramas. 2 An actor in melodramas. 3 A melodramatic person.

Usage examples of "melodramatist".

But though he smiled a politician’s smile, his eyes were those of a man who has just seen the hour and date of his death written upon a wall, a somberness of expression Peter found most attractive for he too was something of a melodramatist, having read Poe the previous winter.

Peter wanted to shake the little man, restore him to his senses, assuming of course that the sympathetic companion of before the war had indeed been the true Harold, a puzzling point since it was quite possible that even then this solemn melodramatist had been the reality, waiting impatiently to be revealed by large events.