The Collaborative International Dictionary
Melodious \Me*lo"di*ous\, a. [Cf. F. m['e]lodieux. See
Containing, or producing, melody; musical; agreeable to the
ear by a sweet succession of sounds; as, a melodious voice.
``A melodious voice.'' ``A melodious undertone.''
--Longfellow. -- Me*lo"di*ous*ly, adv. --
Me*lo"di*ous*ness, n.
adv. In a melodious manner.
adv. in a melodious manner; "she sang melodiously" [syn: tunefully] [ant: unmelodiously]
Usage examples of "melodiously".
It seemed to him that he would be well content to hold his place forever, if forever he might hear her thus melodiously speak on!
I endured a few minutes of leg-pulling from Della and Lil, was congratulated by Josephus in a melodiously outdated rap, envied by Jonie, and caused Fredo moans of outright grief by resigning.
Scotch songs, a redundancy of syllables with respect to that exactness of accent and measure that the English poetry requires, but which glides in, most melodiously, with the respective tunes to which they are set.
The prayers, brief though they had been, the choirboys and then Shane singing so melodiously, the masses of flowers, and the extraordinary beauty of this ancient cathedral had given her a degree of ease from her overwhelming pain.
For after the hore-frost, ensued the hot and temperat sun, whereby the little birds weening that the spring time had bin come, did chirp and sing in their steven melodiously : the mother of stars, the parent of times, and mistres of all the world : The fruitfull trees rejoyced at their fertility : The barren and sterill were contented at their shadow, rendering sweete and pleasant shrills !
The historical element in "Lohengrin" is compassed by the figure of the king, who metes out justice melodiously in the opening and closing scenes.
The golliwogs controlled it with ropes and yodeled melodiously for right-of-way.
He himself, by the way, had once made use of this little simile, and had written a poem in which it was melodiously set forth that the poetic minds scattered about the world correspond to the little shells one picks up on the beach, all resonant with the echo of ocean.