Melharmony is an avant-garde form of music composing that explores new harmonies with an emphasis on the melodic rules of evolved systems across the world. Melharmony thus blends the two primary, yet diverse concepts in world music - melody and harmony. It was originally proposed and developed by musician-composer Chitravina N. Ravikiran. British-American composer Robert Morris further developed it from the standpoint of Western Theory. Melharmony is an inclusive, comprehensive approach to music that takes into consideration the rules and aesthetics of melody-centric systems like Indian Classical as well as harmony-anchored systems like Western Classical & Jazz but is not limited to only those. Some of these approaches can be fundamentally very different between cultures - including concepts of consonance & dissonance, melodic rules in modal/scalar systems as opposed to rules of counterpoint in harmony based systems. Melharmony breaks new ground by exploring artistic solutions to create music that sounds true to and enjoyable and acceptable to connoisseurs and scholars of both melody-centric and harmony-centric systems while performed by symphony/chamber/string orchestras as well as jazz and world music ensembles.