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Melamadai is 30th ward of Madurai corporation in Madurai district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. In 2012 Melamadai included in Madurai Corporation. Vandiyur Lake is located in Melamadai Geographical Area, Further famous Pandi temple is located in Melamadai. the best month to visit Melamadai vandiyur lake is November to February. Melamadai is purely Tamil Name, Merku refers to WEST, Madai refers to LAKE, Merku + Madai = Merkumadai,then over the years it becomes Melamadai, another strongly believed theory is that 'Mel' refers to TOP / UP / FIRST, 'MADAI' refers to LAKE (MEL + MADAI = Melamadai) in such a way this place derived the name Melamadai .

Melamadai is the place of wonder, where the city & village joins together.