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n. A person of great skill or authority in a particular field


Meister means master in German (as in master craftsman, or as an honorific title such as Meister Eckhart). The word is akin to maestro. In sports, Meister is used for the current national, European or world champion (Deutscher Meister, *Europameister, Weltmeister). Many modern day German police forces use the title Meister. During the Second World War, Meister was the highest enlisted rank of the Ordnungspolizei.

Meister has been borrowed into English slang, where it is used in compound nouns. A person referred to as “Meister” is one who has extensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills in his profession, business, or some other kind of work or activity. For example, a “puzzle-meister” would be someone highly skilled at solving puzzles. These neologisms sometimes have a sarcastic intent (for example, “stubble-meister” for someone with a short, neat beard or “crier-meister” for someone who often cries).

Meister (surname)

Meister ( German "master") is a surname, and may refer to:

  • Alton Meister (1922—1995), U.S. biochemist
  • Erwin Meister, Swiss entrepreneur
  • George Meister (aka Georg Meister; 1653—1713), German botanist
  • John Meister (1863—1923), U.S. baseball player
  • Joseph Meister (1876—1940), French animal attack victim
  • Karl Wilhelm von Meister (1863—1935), German politician
  • Morris Meister, U.S. school principal and academic administrator
  • Ralf Meister (*1962) General Superintendent of Berlin and bishop-elect of Hanover
  • William von Meister (1941—1995), U.S. entrepreneur
MEISTeR (Robot)

The Maintenance Equipment Integrated System of Telecontrol Robot (MEISTeR) is a service robot by the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI). It was specifically designed to work at the devastated Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

It was presented to the public on December 6, 2012.

Usage examples of "meister".

And the Church became absolutely apoplectic if anybody expressed a causal-level intuition of supreme identity with Godheadthe Inquisition would burn Giordano Bruno at the stake and condemn the theses of Meister Eckhart on such grounds.

Michael Tucker war von Beruf Dieb, ein Meister seines Fachs, der die Risiken des Handwerks einkalkulierte.

It appeared that only Meister and Gumbs had kept the use of their eyes.

He could also see, deep under the mottled surface of the huge lens-shaped body, four vague clots of darkness which must be the living brains of Gumbs, Bellis, McCarty - and Meister.

But that fool Hitler had almost destroyed any hope of the revival of a Mactep Paca, a Meister Rasse.

Als du im Saal mit deiner himmlischen Kunst Beethoven zeigst, und seinem Willen nach Mit den zehn Fingern fuehrst der Leute Gunst, Zehn Zungen sagen was der Meister sprach.

Father the moon-hanger the eye-in-the-sky the old meister the bey window the bit chammer the gaekwarder the incaling the khando kid the neatzam the shotgun of kyotowing the principal stadtholder the voivode the top wali, this Being, I say, being a Being of the highest anthropocentrictrac interest, as well as the one who keeps the corn popping from the fine green fields and the like and the like, is maybe being abruised and lese-majestied by us poor galoots over many meters of hard cheese days in and out but even a galoot has a brain to wonder with and what we wonder is to what end?

Aber es war doch nur ein kleiner Theil des Adels, der von Napoleon befriedigt war, und der Herr und Meister zwang diesen Adel zur Bescheidenheit.

Meister, a draftsman and amateur trilobite collector, reported finding a shoe print in the Wheeler Shale near Antelope Spring, Utah.

It is this: The grand Father's bein' all hauly-mauly by the likes of us over bump and bumbust and all raggletailed and his poor bumleg all hurty and his grand aura all tarnagled and June bein' a bad month for new enterprises and a bad month for old enterprises accordin' to the starcharts and like that, we that is to say us the men have a faint intustition that maybe the best is not to come in terms of the grand Father the moon-hanger the eye-in-the-sky the old meister the bey window the bit chammer the gaekwarder the incaling the khando kid the neatzam the shotgun of kyotowing the principal stadtholder the voivode the top wali, this Being, I say, being a Being of the highest anthropocentrictrac interest, as well as the one who keeps the corn popping from the fine green fields and the like and the like, is maybe being abruised and lese-majestied by us poor galoots over many meters of hard cheese days in and out but even a galoot has a brain to wonder with and what we wonder is to what end?

The one at which you made a speech- de Meister shuddered in his turn-on the detective novel.

When the mass audience develops a new hunger, there is never a shortage of schlock meisters eager to cash in on the latest fast-food craze by peddling Kentucky Fried Spaceships or Colonel Future's Fish and Chips.

But look here, Meister, does that mean we were simply wasting our time trying to kill one another?