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n. (plural of megayear English)

Usage examples of "megayears".

Some dragon that woke up every few hundred megayears and roared so loud it wiped the Galaxy clean of advanced life?

These were uncompromising lumps of hard, ancient sandstone protruding from the flat desert, extensively carved by megayears of water flows.

Trillions of intelligent beings, megayears of civilization, lay within each one, and over all the sum of the minds of each a wider consciousness, a god.

Volkov was surprised at the reaction until he remembered that the saur method of hunting, megayears established and ingrained, was to stampede herds of herbivorous dinosaurs off cliffs.

The biota of Mingulay, like that of all the other Earthlike planets of the Second Sphere, shared a common terrestrial ancestry but had, over megayears, diverged in unique and interesting ways.