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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ country megastar Garth Brooks
▪ As a singer, Mr Jackson is a certifiable megastar.
▪ He has become the megastar who will not leave gently or graciously.
▪ His writing is a joy, combining the telling quote from finance megastars with anecdote to illustrate a substantial point.
▪ If I cut my cloth to suit popular taste I wouldn't be the megastar I am today.
▪ Thanks to the microphone and the camera, a few megastars can communicate the appearance of power and commitment at great distance.
▪ When Kylie first got involved in the film, rock megastar David Bowie was to have been the film's executive producer.
▪ Which megastar was about to beamed in from a Hollywood poolside to give a transatlantic Tory thumbs up?

n. A very famous or successful celebrity.


Megastar may refer to:

  • Superstar, an especially prominent celebrity
  • Megastar (projector), a series of planetarium projectors
  • "How to be a Megastar 2.0", a tour of Blue Man Group from 2006–2008
  • MS Megastar, a cruiseferry under construction for Tallink AS
Megastar (projector)

is a series of planetarium projectors which was recorded in Guinness World Records in 2004 as the planetarium projector that can project the most number of stars in the world. Megastar was developed by Takayuki Ohira in Kawasaki, Japan in 1998.

Usage examples of "megastar".

So there we were aboard the Paragon Queen en route for Megastar V, James Vandaleur and his android.

I stopped off on Paragon Three for only one day to transfer to this ship for Megastar Five.

He took a third-class cabin on the Megastar Queen, which left that morning for Lyre Alpha.

Unlike Rush and company, the appeal of this blue-collar megastar extends far beyond the hoi polloi.

From what was left of the flick, Steff could deduce that Maddy Witherson was not exactly a megastar of the famous West Coast porn scene.

Lindsay was being a little megastar and always getting the front page at the time.

Another megastar to take The Bottoms off her hands would come in very useful just now.

There were no megastars parading complete with an entourage of press agents and gofers, no studio executives with ponytails and designer stubble chins, no fashionable catering, no upstairs rooms where pretty young boys, shapely girls, and little bowls of white powder were arrayed for guests to help themselves.

I know he found my ignorance of famous film directors and musical megastars difficult to credit.

It was an old Hollywood crowd made up of megastars from the fifties and sixties, former studio heads, agents.

Another megastar to take The Bottoms off her hands would come in very useful just now.

There were no megastars parading complete with an entourage of press agents and gofers, no studio executives with ponytails and designer stubble chins, no fashionable catering, no upstairs rooms where pretty young boys, shapely girls, and little bowls of white powder were arrayed for guests to help themselves.

There were ambassadors, overlords, military heavyweights, megastars from all the arts, and titans of com­merce and industry, intellectual cynosures, and academic and scientific luminaries.