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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Megacephalic \Meg`a*ce*phal"ic\ (m[e^]g`[.a]*s[-e]*f[a^]l"[i^]k), Megacephalous \Meg`a*ceph"a*lous\ (m[e^]g`[.a]*s[e^]f"[.a]*l[u^]s), a. [Mega- + Gr. kefalh` head.] (Biol.) Large headed; -- applied to animals, and to plants when they have large flower heads.


a. (alternative form of megacephalic English)

Usage examples of "megacephalous".

But Barney, who knew something of what went on inside that megacephalous skull, realised that by this very way-Craig had of tossing away an important point, he was revealing a problem which excited his intellectual curiosity.

Sleep imperceptibly took advantage of this happiness and relief but now, in sleep, there was no rest at all, for sleep consisted of sixty-four squares, a gigantic board in the middle of which, trembling and stark-naked, Luzhin stood, the size of a pawn, and peered at the dim positions of huge pieces, megacephalous, with crowns or manes.