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n. (plural of meet English) prep. Forming a combination or nexus of. vb. (en-third-person singular of: meet)

Usage examples of "meets".

The one is an aristocrat whom Fortune made too small in every way, and the other is a rigid, intolerant hypocrite who prosecutes men for electoral bribery but approves of electoral bribery when it meets his own needs.

Protestant to six months imprisonment for not taking off his hat when he meets the procession of the Host.

Leopold Poetsch, who came from the southern German-language border region where it meets that of the South Slavs and whose experience with the racial struggle there had made him a fanatical German nationalist.

The master of the Moorea met the terrible blow as a ship meets an unexpected squall.

Committee for Responsible Budgets, a group that meets twice a year and circulates papers on fiscal management.

The president meets with him privately for a half-hour about once a week, a privilege that President Bill Clinton did not grant his Treasury secretaries for fear it would give them an unfair advantage in interagency discussions.

I expect to be home when Parliament meets, and hope to find you at least approaching our shores.

So far nothing has been said here, but almost every day some statement is made in the United States about Marshall, and I shall certainly be asked questions when Parliament meets on Tuesday, the 12th.

Opens, and has lost to exactly nobody American in seven meets and a dozen major tournaments.

If shit meets administrative fan, kids coming out of his mandible-doored office come out pale and rubbing their eyes, not from tears but from this depth-perspective skewing that C.

He meets, in the ship in which he is embarked, a lady who appears to him to embody his ideal of love and beauty.

A coward and a fool, spreads death around-- Then, shuddering, meets his own.

Parliament meets on the 1st to elect a Speaker and to swear in Members.

But in matter of fact we have come here with a proposal, which, rightly understood, is nearly equivocal to the Middelburg proposal, and which meets the wishes of the English Government as far as possible.

Even though he meets his end out in this desolate waste, he is after all Tameyoshi of the Genji and deserves to die as a fine warrior should.