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vb. (eye dialect of meeting English)

Usage examples of "meetin'".

I seen him in meetin' sometimes when the sperit got into him just a little, an' I seen him take ten-twelve foot jumps.

Why, they was a camp meetin' right in Sallisaw when I was a young fella a little bit older'n Al.

As the senior partner, I have pulled rank and the meetin' is happenin'.

This meetin' is definitely my own idea, and as such I will be held personally responsible for any fallout which might occur from it.

I am glad to see him takin' command of the meetin', since this now gets me off the hook.

A war meetin', in fact, without gas, would be suthin' like the play of HAMLET with the part of OTHELLO omitted.

If I'd kept on travelin' I should hav eventooaly becum a Brigade, in which case I could have held a meetin' and elected myself Brigadeer-ginral quite unanimiss.

Seen you a couple o' times at the meetin' hall, I reckon, but not many.

But I'm not familiar with your meetin' hall and the lay of the land around it.

And it don't matter if we do get him out—all the families will show up at the meetin' hall tomorrow like they've been told.

I was a heap admirin' of the way you handled that big hombre what opened the meetin' and also his two pardners, who aimed to back his play.

I knowed it were some odds, but I noticed that them three what opened the meetin' was still under the influence.

When you blew in so promisc'us an' interrupted the meetin', me an' my friend here was jest resolvin' that there's too much bad shootin' bein' done in this here Rubio town.

When they were well within the lighted space Texas drawled: “Right here's where I feel moved to address the meetin',” and throwing open the door he stepped out upon the platform, which was built to the height of a wagon-bed above the level of the ground with steps at each end.