The Collaborative International Dictionary
Mechoacan \Me*cho"a*can\, n. A species of jalap, of very feeble properties, said to be obtained from the root of a species of Convolvulus ( Convolvulus Mechoacan); -- so called from Michoacan, in Mexico, whence it is obtained.
Usage examples of "mechoacan".
The American nations among whom a distinct and well-authenticated myth of the deluge was found are as follows: Athapascas, Algonkins, Iroquois, Cherokees, Chikasaws, Caddos, Natchez, Dakotas, Apaches, Navajos, Mandans, Pueblo Indians, Aztecs, Mixtecs, Zapotecs, Tlascalans, Mechoacans, Toltecs, Nahuas, Mayas, Quiches, Haitians, natives of Darien and Popoyan, Muyscas, Quichuas, Tuppinambas, Achaguas, Araucanians, and doubtless others.