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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
mechanized farming
▪ a highly mechanized factory
▪ Among the unit's tasks was the development of improved transportable bridges for the increasingly mechanized army.
▪ At the other extreme, modern, mechanized methods would make economic nonsense on a smallholding.
▪ Birkwood Lock, the first mechanized lock with control tower and traffic light gantry.
▪ It also follows that in such an advanced mechanized world the scope for cost reduction will be limited once manufacturing has commenced.
▪ Rust closed the door by remote control then activated his mechanized wheelchair and approached them.
▪ The extra power in his mechanized hands had acted like a mangle.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mechanize \Mech"an*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mechanized; p. pr. & vb. n. Mechanizing.] [Cf. F. m['e]chaniser.]

  1. To cause to be mechanical.

  2. To introduce machinery into (a process) in order to reduce human effort or improve uniformity or quality of the result; especially, To cause to be accomplished by a mechanical means which requires little or no human supervision; to automate.

  3. Hence: (Mil.) To equip (an armed force) with tanks or other vehicles.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

in the military sense of "equipped with or using mechanical vehicles and weapons," 1928, from past participle of mechanize (v.).

  1. 1 Equipped with machinery. 2 (context military English) Equipped with armoured motor vehicles; compare (term motorized equipped with unarmoured vehicles). alt. (en-past of: mechanize) v

  2. (en-past of: mechanize)

  1. adj. equipped with machinery; "a mechanized factory" [syn: mechanised]

  2. using vehicles; "motorized warfare" [syn: mechanised, motorized]


A mechanized process is one that uses machines. Related articles:

  • Mechanised agriculture, agriculture using powered machinery
  • Mechanization, doing work with machinery
  • Military:
    • Self-propelled artillery, also known as mechanized artillery, artillery that has its own propulsion system
    • Armoured warfare, also known as mechanized warfare, warfare fought using tanks and other armored vehicles
    • Mechanized infantry, infantry that is equipped with armored vehicles
  • Mechanize, an album by Fear Factory

Usage examples of "mechanized".

Mechanized Division, based further into the interior in towns and casernes along the Inter-American Highway, had already gone into action, trying manfully to drive the aliens from their home provinces on and bordering the Peninsula de Azuero.

They found the Godmech Cogs, with their doctrine of the mechanized cosmos, and found themselves leaders of a heretic sect within that already blasphemous church.

Rumsfeld, the JCS chief told associates, had been a Navy fighter pilot, seemed partial to the Navy and the Marines, and was biased against the Army because it had mechanized forces and had taken on Balkan peacekeeping missions that the Bush administration considered to be a distraction.

Eight times Luis watched the black blocks of the 48th charge across the green line of the Luchanino at the little red battalion blocks of the 3rd Mechanized Corps.

This spot was where the tanks of his 3rd Mechanized Brigade came to calibrate their cannons and season their new recruits, their own Sashas and Pashas.

The regular army armored and mechanized divisions suffered fewer desertions than the infantry.

Republican Guard and its best regular army armored and mechanized divisions--received detailed operational orders, which they practiced ad nauseum on full-scale mock-ups of the terrain.

The firing system contained a mechanized tripod and a simple autotarget system.

First, that morning they had counterattacked the Marines with one of their best regular army mechanized divisions, only to have it wiped out in a few hours of fighting, having done virtually no damage to the Marines.

At R'as al-Khafji, Manaqish, and Mount Pastrik (and on another occasion during the Gulf War, when the Fifth Mechanized Division counterattacked the U.

The two GIR Battalions holding the center were completely decimated and the GIR Battalions to the right and to the left were being mauled by the American mechanized Companies and their Apache support helicopters that had been tasked with holding them in place.

The professor, who was barking for his own course, had in his hand a mechanized collapsible pointer with which he tapped the blackboards for emphasis, as the pointer kept shooting out and returning to its pencil size.

Iraq's best forces--the Republican Guard and its best regular army armored and mechanized divisions--received detailed operational orders, which they practiced ad nauseum on full-scale mock-ups of the terrain.

They don't like air transportation, or mechanized ground transport, or computers, satellites, or any of a very large variety of our weapons.

Their place had been taken by the bloated headquarters and staff of Panama's newly raised mechanized corps, commanded by yet another of President Mercedes' blood-related cronies.