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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ the meatpacking industry

Usage examples of "meat-packing".

A man, seventy-one, the retired vice president of a meat-packing firm, the victim of congestive heart failure.

My cousin Jack and I were boys together, and he went over to America to work with his uncle on his mother's side, in a meat-packing plant.

What had formerly been the Meat-Packing District was gentrifying rapidly, high-priced boutiques and luxury condos driving out the artists, drug dealers, and fetish clubs that had flourished here in low-rent days.

But this ain't the first meat-packing plant I've ever visited, and I'm sort of puzzled about just a few points somebody who gets his hands dirtier might be able to clear up.

The camp smells as though a huge meat-packing plant were nearby, where animals are rendered and the hair or bristles scorched off their hides.

The air above the sins wavered, and they were in a meat-packing plant, and the smell of blood and animal fear was in the air.

The residences on the right had given way to business buildings (warehouses and meat-packing plants, most of them) which blurred by in a scary but satisfying rush.

The meat-packing plants on Delta Continent were working around the clock, now.

Thinking of Chicago Town and the meat-packing trade made Longarm think of another widow woman, the younger and even prettier Kim Stover, who'd met up with him there, sort of like this afternoon, after they'd agreed to part friends out Wyoming way.