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Meat chopper

Meat chopper refers to

  • Cleaver, a large meat knife

In railroads, it may refer to:

  • M45 Quadmount
  • Norwegian coupling

Usage examples of "meat chopper".

The butcher stayed his small meat chopper in mid-air and looked over to the doorway.

This time it was more like a butcher's meat chopper, but a pretty blunt chopper: several times in a few seconds the campari spun round 360 degrees on its keel, then settled down on course again.

But I had seen how Philip's machine had ground up my mercenary phalanx like a meat chopper with ten thousand arms and one brain.

He looks like a caricature of an American who has been run one half way through a meat chopper and then been boiled, slightly, in oil.

Her day always began with a light but nutritious breakfast, at which a peculiarly uninviting cereal, which looked and tasted like an old straw hat that had been run through a meat chopper, competed for first place in the dislike of her husband and son with a more than usually offensive brand of imitation coffee.