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n. (plural of measurer English)

Usage examples of "measurers".

In their underlying philosophy, so-called transformed cladists have more in common with the other school of pure-pattern measurers, the ones often called 'pheneticists' or 'numerical taxonomists', whom I have just discussed under the title of average-distance measurers.

Like average-distance measurers, transformed cladists are not out to discover family trees.

Why, then, do these measurers and weighers of the elements contend that earth can be raised to those aerial altitudes, and that water cannot, while they admit that water is lighter, and liker to ascend than earth?

The school of distance measurers, or 'numerical taxonomists', has become a bit unfashionable lately.

They agree with the averagedistance measurers to leave open the question of whether the pattern of resemblance reflects evolutionary history.

Nor would it have daunted the unknown astronomers and measurers of time who bequeathed to the Ancient Maya a calendar of amazing complexity, a data-base about the movements of the heavenly bodies which could only have been the product of thousands of years of accurately recorded observations, and a facility with very large numbers that seemed more appropriate to the needs of a complex technological society than to those of a ‘primitive’ Central American kingdom.

Despite enormous resis­tance from his superiors, Bertillon had begun to record the body-part sizes of known criminals and then to categorize his results, training a staff of assistant measurers and photogra­phers in the process.

These thoughts made computer builders and star measurers uncomfortable so they rejected them.

I'm talking about such draconian measurers as sterilizing people who have been servants for two generations, for example.