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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Measurable \Meas"ur*a*ble\, a. [F. mesurable, L. mensurabilis. See Measure, and cf. Mensurable.]

  1. Capable of being measured; susceptible of mensuration or computation.

  2. Moderate; temperate; not excessive.

    Of his diet measurable was he.
    --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] -- Meas"ur*a*ble*ness, n. -- Meas"ur*a*bly, adv.

    Yet do it measurably, as it becometh Christians.


adv. 1 In a measurable manner. 2 To a measurable extent.


adv. to a measurable degree; "the difference is measurably large" [ant: immeasurably]

Usage examples of "measurably".

The creation of a general Government, with its three separate and measurably independent departments, happily concluded, with the delegated powers of each distinctly enumerated, the salient question as to the basis of representation in the Congress at once pressed for determination.

This was measurably guarded against by the provision requiring appointment to high office to be by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

It would not be strange if such environment left its deep impress, and measurably gave direction to his political career.

The sectional agitation then at its height was measurably the result of the proposed disposition of territory acquired by the then recent treaty with Mexico.

Rumors of an exceedingly uncomplimentary character, that had measurably died out with time, were suddenly revived against Mrs.

It is one of the anomalies of politics that the clear-cut sentences measurably instrumental in compassing his defeat in 1888, were upon the banners of his triumphant partisans in the campaign of 1892.

Firmly believing that the late United States Minister to the unfortunate island had at least acquiesced in the overthrow of the Hawaiian Government, President Cleveland, with the hope that he might measurably repair the wrong, recalled the Annexation Treaty, as stated.

It is a singular fact, and to this generation renders the entire proceeding measurably farcical, that the managers upon the part of the House, and the counsel for the impeached President, were at cross-purposes from the beginning as to the real character of the tribunal before which they were appearing.

At the last-mentioned suggestion, the face of the man of repeated disappointments measurably brightened, and he eagerly inquired where he could find a snake.

The glory of Jamestown had measurably departed, and to Williamsburg, and yet later to the now splendid city upon the James, had been transferred the seat of Virginia authority.

Of necessity, however--property interests being involved,--controversies, measurably of a religious character, sometimes arise for judicial determination.

Although the rest of the animal kingdom was not measurably affected by it, mankind failed utterly to check the effects of the ghastly Hyperosmic Plague, and the Exodus began .

Employed without a mordant, with few exceptions, they are measurably affected by both light, heat, moisture, or other changes and as made into inks are never permanent.

The Eta,[54] though in individual cases becoming measurably rich, rotted and starved, and were made the filth, and off-scouring of the earth, because they were the butchers, the skinners, the leather workers, and thus handled dead animals, being made also the executioners and buriers of the dead.

Fastolfe, during his lifetime, to whom I owed my greatest loyalty and I chose that course of action which frustrated him less, without measurably harming other individuals I dealt with.