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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Meaning \Mean"ing\, n.

  1. That which is meant or intended; intent; purpose; aim; object; as, a mischievous meaning was apparent.

    If there be any good meaning towards you.

  2. That which is signified, whether by act lanquage; signification; sense; import; as, the meaning of a hint.

  3. Sense; power of thinking. [R.] [1913 Webster] -- Mean"ing*less, a. -- Mean"ing*ly, adv.


adv. With an implied meaning; with significance; meaningfully.

Usage examples of "meaningly".

Day came, and the phosphorescence of low clouds gave place to the misty twilight of that northern world, and still the vile bird winged meaningly through the cold and silence.

Masculine Little Arcady cared not that she had been less successful than the late Colonel Potts, for example, in preserving the truly Greek spirit--cared naught for this so long as, meaningly or otherwise, she uttered the immemorial woman-call in its true note wheresoever she fared.

He plucked his red-stained beard and stared meaningly at the Wazuli girl, and that wench rose and skurried out without delay.