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adv. In a meaningful or significant manner.


adv. in a meaningful manner; so as to be meaningful; "He glanced at her meaningfully"

Usage examples of "meaningfully".

He flexed a leg so that his horny fingers might tap the gilt spurs on his bootheels, meaningfully.

In fact they were soon to become an item around Shade Creek, out to all hours among the milling sleepless of the town, along the smoky indoor promenades lit by shadow-patched fluorescent bulbs, across covered bridges lined with shops and stalls, beneath the many clockfaces beaming from overhead, past Thanatoid dogs lounging in groups, who had learned how to give up wagging their tails and now gestured meaningfully with them instead.

But before he could get the words out, Ichabod trod on his foot and coughed meaningfully.

Aspects of the unitary phenomenon of the change in cellular properties and connections that occurs in learning can be meaningfully described in any of my proffered languages, but the full understanding of the process demands that we use them all.

His teleprompter had broken down, and Stephanie was glaring meaningfully at Toby.

He glanced meaningfully toward the distant island, where two war-galleys were easing into view around the curve of coast, single-masted biremes propelled by a double bank of oars.

Surrogates rough lip callosities pressed briefly, meaningfully together.

He looked at Laqua-tus meaningfully, but the ambassador kept his face and his thoughts blank.

Then he made a little warning gesture of his fingers and looked meaningfully at the corners of the room, apprising them that the room was probably bugged, which Yana had already guessed.

The once friendly waters babbled meaningfully at me, and eyed me with a strange regard, yet whether the darkness of the scene were a reflection of my own breedings or whether the gloom within me were caused by what lay without, I could not have told.

The doctor looked up at him and meaningfully said, "I think this is a chronologue of this creature's life.

R: No one wants to tell people to change their diets meaningfully (and I understand your stand that no one knows what a "correct" diet is.

Ramage turned to catch Jackson's eye, glancing meaningfully at the pistol tucked in the American's belt and then at Pareja, who missed the byplay.

I am not as sceptical about old tales and fears as I used to be, and I do not laugh now at the prehuman sculptor's notion that lightning paused meaningfully now and then at each of the brooding crests, and that an unexplained glow shone from one of those terrible pinnacles all through the long polar night.

Lord Cantonshire looked meaningfully at his daughter, whose face was suddenly ashen at the news of the proxy marriage.