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a. (alternative form of mealy-mouthed English)


adj. hesitant to state facts or opinions simply and directly as from e.g. timidity or hypocrisy; "a mealymouthed politician" [syn: mealy-mouthed]

Usage examples of "mealymouthed".

I applaud you, sir, for your great notion that single-handedly attempts to oppose the centuries of mealymouthed propaganda with which men have tried to convince themselves to do the conventional thing no matter how they opposed it.

Going too far Christina, probably never occurred to the old man the way he felt about these sentimental tributes and all your mealymouthed claptrap about the resurrection and the life just trying to spare everybody the embarrass.

Hartmann remembered a mealymouthed version popular when he was a teenager, sung by Bobby Darin or some such teen-idol crooner.

The Yankees will arrest you in the middle of one of your mealymouthed speeches in the Senate and hang you for treason.

She muttered an oath under her breath that shocked Dee, not for the strong language, for the court of Elizabeth Rex was not a mealymouthed one, but for the coarse obscenity of it.

He wondered as he slowly mounted the stairs if he appeared mealymouthed to the earl.

But they gripe on and on in that mealymouthed whine so much that I want to tear their heads off.

He, along with the mealymouthed chamberlain, Olynthus, went looking for satisfaction one night.