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Meadow saxifrage

Saxifrage \Sax"i*frage\ (?; 48), n. [L. saxifraga, from saxifragus stone-breaking; saxum rock + frangere to break: cf. F. saxifrage. See Fracture, and cf. Sassafras, Saxon.] (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Saxifraga, mostly perennial herbs growing in crevices of rocks in mountainous regions.

Burnet saxifrage, a European umbelliferous plant ( Pimpinella Saxifraga).

Golden saxifrage, a low half-succulent herb ( Chrysosplenium oppositifolium) growing in rivulets in Europe; also, C. Americanum, common in the United States. See also under Golden.

Meadow saxifrage, or Pepper saxifrage. See under Meadow.

Meadow saxifrage

Meadow \Mead"ow\, a. Of or pertaining to a meadow; of the nature of a meadow; produced, growing, or living in, a meadow. ``Fat meadow ground.'' --Milton. Note: For many names of plants compounded with meadow, see the particular word in the Vocabulary. Meadow beauty. (Bot.) Same as Deergrass. Meadow foxtail (Bot.), a valuable pasture grass ( Alopecurus pratensis) resembling timothy, but with softer spikes. Meadow hay, a coarse grass, or true sedge, growing in uncultivated swamp or river meadow; -- used as fodder or bedding for cattle, packing for ice, etc. [Local, U. S.] Meadow hen. (Zo["o]l.)

  1. The American bittern. See Stake-driver.

  2. The American coot ( Fulica).

  3. The clapper rail.

    Meadow mouse (Zo["o]l.), any mouse of the genus Arvicola, as the common American species Arvicola riparia; -- called also field mouse, and field vole.

    Meadow mussel (Zo["o]l.), an American ribbed mussel ( Modiola plicatula), very abundant in salt marshes.

    Meadow ore (Min.), bog-iron ore, a kind of limonite.

    Meadow parsnip. (Bot.) See under Parsnip.

    Meadow pink. (Bot.) See under Pink.

    Meadow pipit (Zo["o]l.), a small singing bird of the genus Anthus, as Anthus pratensis, of Europe.

    Meadow rue (Bot.), a delicate early plant, of the genus Thalictrum, having compound leaves and numerous white flowers. There are many species.

    Meadow saffron. (Bot.) See under Saffron.

    Meadow sage. (Bot.) See under Sage.

    Meadow saxifrage (Bot.), an umbelliferous plant of Europe ( Silaus pratensis), somewhat resembling fennel.

    Meadow snipe (Zo["o]l.), the common or jack snipe.

meadow saxifrage

n. rosette-forming perennial having compact panicles of white flowers; Europe [syn: fair-maids-of-France, Saxifraga granulata]