Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
Usage examples of "mauvais".
In June, 1890, the house sustained an irreparable loss by the death of its founder, Zeno Mauvais, who passed away after a very brief illness.
Mae Mauvais was elected president and during the next five years her brother, R.
Roy Mauvais, who was actively engaged in looking after the interests of the firm desired to concentrate his energies in furthering other lines of business in which he had engaged, and found more congenial.
Market street, in the room adjoining the piano warerooms of the Allen Company and there handled under the name of the Zeno Mauvais Music Co.
Zeno Mauvais, intently listening and satisfying his long cherished desire to become a singer.
Stedman of Alameda, manager of the Zeno Mauvais music store and went to school in Alameda.
Il a perdu ses biens et la paix du coeur, en ce mauvais jour que nous venons de vivre.
Je ne vivrais pas tranquille de savoir ce mauvais lutin semer sa joie panique dans les couloirs de mon palais.
Lazare brutalement, les mauvais temps ne sont pas devenus meilleurs, ni toi non plus.
By and by we came to the Mauvais Pas, or the Villainous Road, to translate it feelingly.
Moreover, I had always drawn sharp distinctions between a game which is de mauvais genre and a game which is permissible to a decent man.
Oh, monsieur, if you have any instincts of gentility, if you have any pretension to be accounted anything but a mauvais sujet, I beg of you to respect my grief.
Dans une soupente, sur un mauvais lit de sangle, devant la Sirene de 1847, Jacobus ralait.
Reve du duc de Naurouse, si tu veux, de son grand air, de sa mine fiere, de ses yeux doux, cela te fera trouver ton lit moins mauvais.
Mautravers, ceux qui se blesseront de tes paroles auront mauvais caractere.