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n. Final exams young adults (aged 18 or 19) take at the end of their secondary education in certain European countries.


Matura or its translated terms (Mature, Matur, Maturita, Maturità, Maturität, Mатура) is a Latin name for the high-school exit exam or "maturity diploma" in various countries, including Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Ukraine.

It is taken by young adults (usually aged from 17 to 20) at the end of their secondary education, and generally must be passed in order to apply to a university or other institutions of higher education. Matura is a matriculation examination and can be compared to A-Level exams or Abitur.

Usage examples of "matura".

Quel giorno in particolare sentiva la differenza di età, quei fondamentali pochi mesi che la se­paravano dalla sua amica più intima, Joyce, e ancor più da Carolyn e Trudi, le quali, con i loro diciassette anni, erano lontane un secolo da una donna matura come lei.