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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Matriculate \Ma*tric"u*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Matriculated; p. pr. & vb. n. Matriculating.] [L. matricula a public roll or register, dim. of matrix a mother, in respect to propagation, also, a public register. See Matrix.] To enroll; to enter in a register; specifically, to enter or admit to membership in a body or society, particularly in a college or university, by enrolling the name in a register.

In discovering and matriculating the arms of commissaries from North Americ

  1. --Sir W. Scott.


vb. (present participle of matriculate English)

Usage examples of "matriculating".

Blue informed them that Jamie was with his fellow matriculating octospiders that evening and that Hercules had been "reassigned.

Blue pointed out with one of her tentacles the sector to the left of them containing Jamie and the other matriculating octospiders.

In less than a nillet the police, with help from Archie and several of the matriculating juveniles, again had the fugitive under control.

So, no matter who the Grand Tutor is, you're indisputably matriculating as a Special Student in New Tammany College, who wants a Graduation Assignment.

On matriculating in the university in 1981, I had been determined to do more than just study.

After matriculating in economics and political history at the University of Warsaw he studied engineering and radionics at the Warsaw Technical Institute and at the age of twenty-five obtained a modest post in the central administration of the Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs.