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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Matriculate \Ma*tric"u*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Matriculated; p. pr. & vb. n. Matriculating.] [L. matricula a public roll or register, dim. of matrix a mother, in respect to propagation, also, a public register. See Matrix.] To enroll; to enter in a register; specifically, to enter or admit to membership in a body or society, particularly in a college or university, by enrolling the name in a register.

In discovering and matriculating the arms of commissaries from North Americ

  1. --Sir W. Scott.


vb. (en-past of: matriculate)

Usage examples of "matriculated".

He cautioned me, however, to abandon the practice once I matriculated, lest it lead me into scandal, fistula, or logical realism-the philosophy of Maios and Scapulas, which Max declared to be as favored by pederasts as was solipsism by masturbators.

I assumed that, once officially matriculated, one was housed and fed at the College's expense -- but I knew nothing of these matters, and Max, who ordinarily might have advised me, was grown so morose I had difficulty getting out of him that he knew nothing of motorcycle-operation himself or the legal aspects of borrowing the vehicle.

And he admitted that it might be fitting to witness the profoundest of the Lykeionian tragedies before I matriculated: there was no coincidence in its being produced just at Carnival's end, before the Spring Matriculation rituals.

Following Max's advice I reminded them that I had done the unexampled in passing the Trial-by-Turnstile and was therefore a fully matriculated Candidate -- not for any paltry Certification of Proficiency but for bonafide Graduation -- who ought to be ushered at once into the Chancellor's presence.

Surely it was no student's fault that he matriculated into this campus crippled or ugly.

The analogy was not all that far-fetched, for Daniel had matriculated just after the Restoration, and found himself among young men of the Quality who’d spent most of their lives in Paris.

He had matriculated at Cambridge this year, but Cambridge was closed for the duration of the Plague.

After his stint as laboratory assistant during the Plague Year at Epsom, Charles had matriculated at Cambridge, where he’d been tutored by Daniel.

I did not know before that he has two daughters and a son who has matriculated this year.

And it was so funny that he should not know that Dora had matriculated this year and so would not be going to the High School any more.

He matriculated two years later, graduated Bachelor of Arts in another three, Master’s degree in the required further two years - and he is working on his doctorate in African languages.