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maternal grandfather

n. The father of one's mother.

Usage examples of "maternal grandfather".

The old Baron, already known to the girl as her maternal grandfather, made the most foolish mistake of ail by seizing her, believing that she was helpless and easily dispatched.

It seems my maternal grandfather grows chary of protecting his pure-blooded heir.

His maternal grandfather had been dictator of Haiti, and had taken the treasury of that country with him when he was over­.

Fard Muhammad, my maternal grandfather, returned to the nowhere from which he’.

It tasted really good, for one thing, but it was also an homage to my maternal grandfather Albert Lieber, who was a brewer until he was put out of business by Prohibition in 1920.

As the maternal grandfather of all the other gods, he often serves as their spokesman.

Coming of age in April, 1923, and having previously inherited a small competence from his maternal grandfather, Ward determined at last to take the European trip hitherto denied him.