Crossword clues for materialistic
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Materialistic \Ma*te`ri*al*is"tic\, Materialistical \Ma*te`ri*al*is"tic*al\, a. Of or pertaining to materialism or materialists; of the nature of materialism.
But to me his very spiritualism seemed more
materialistic than his physics.
--C. Kingsley.
2. Primarily concerned with material objects and worldly activities, as contrasted with spiritual, moral or philosophical concerns; especially, concerned primarily with gaining money and the things that money can buy.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1829, from materialist + -ic. Related: Materialistically.
a. 1 Being overly concerned with material possessions and wealth. 2 Of or concerning philosophical materialism.
adj. marked by materialism [syn: mercenary, worldly-minded]
conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class; "a bourgeois mentality" [syn: bourgeois, conservative]
Usage examples of "materialistic".
Watts and Law as they struggle to reconcile their materialistic lifestyle with the New Agey hoo-ha into which they have newly bought.
Darwin, Huxley, Maudsley, and similar agnostic and materialistic leaders of modern thought.
A modern, materialistic reinterpretation of this view asserts that mental events in general, and all causally efficacious mental processes in particular, are unconscious, for they are actually brain states that can be studied solely by objective, scientific means.
Principle which the old poets, in advance of the materialistic cosmogonists from Night and Chaos, had discovered in Ouranos or Zeus.
He turned into Lithia Motors and drove slowly past rows of shiny cars designed to create avarice in the least materialistic.
Tertullian, whose fervid mind was thoroughly imbued with materialistic notions, unhesitatingly cut this Gordian knot by asserting that our first parent bore within him the undeveloped germ of all mankind, so that sinfulness and souls were propagated together.
Old Testament by means of the allegoric exegetic method, is essentially identical with the system of Stoicism, which had been mixed with Platonic elements and had lost its Pantheistic materialistic impress.
Churches must cease to uphold those conceptions of the superiority of celibacy and virginity which, besides involving grossly materialistic conceptions of those states, are palpably incompatible with that worship of parenthood to which the Churches must and shall now be made to return.
The preciosity of style and vocabulary in these works is much more reminiscent of the earlier part of the century, or of the Symbolist era, than of the materialistic 1860s.
The real cleavage was between the truly spiritual view on the one hand, and the spiritistic and materialistic on the other.
As Israel became a more modern, materialistic, sterile, Americanized society after 1967, many Israelis identified in their hearts with those men climbing the rocky hills of the West Bank, rifles in hand and barbed wire at their feet, keeping watch for the Arabs gathering in the distance.
Statisticalists are the intellectual heirs of those ancient materialistic thinkers who denied the possibility of any discarnate existence, or of any extraphysical mind, or even of extrasensory perception.
Behaviourism itself, indeed, had been originally a kind of inverted Puritan faith, according to which intellectual salvation involved acceptance of a crude materialistic dogma, chiefly because it was repugnant to the self-righteous, and unintelligible to intellectuals of the earlier schools.
Animals can be classified spirituallyand there is no point in any other classification, such as the materialistic Linnean oneinto two great groups, herbivores and beasts of prey.
Thus the so-called materialistic philosophy of Karl Marx is not by any means identical with the theories one hears among Marxian socialists.