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n. (alternative spelling of materialization English)

  1. n. the process of coming into being; becoming reality; "the materialization of her dream" [syn: materialization]

  2. an appearance in bodily form (as of a disembodied spirit) [syn: materialization, manifestation]

  3. something that comes into existence as a result; "industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution's various socialistic offspring"; "this skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts" [syn: offspring, materialization]

Usage examples of "materialisation".

The quick clearing of the street and the instant materialisation of a gutter audience heralded their approach.

Little plans sketched on paper, strokes of a pen or of a brush, will be the first materialisations of what will at last obliterate every detail and atom of these re-echoing actualities that overwhelm us now.

If a strong materialisation medium can throw out a cloud of stuff which is actually visible, may not a medium of a less pronounced type throw out a similar cloud with analogous properties which is not opaque enough to be seen by the average eye, but can make an impression both on the dry plate in the camera and on the clairvoyant faculty?

The old man believes so thoroughly in rappings and materialisations that he constantly keeps a notebook in his pocket in which he records all the materialisations he thinks he sees and the rappings he hears, along with the time and place.

Following ghostly materialisations of the structure, they climbed steps to the iron-banded front door.

It is the mechanism of the materialisation medium which has been explored by the acute brain and untiring industry of Doctor Geley, and even presuming, as one may fairly presume, that every materialising medium goes through the same process in order to produce results, still such mediums are exceedingly, rare.