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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Matchless \Match"less\, a. [Cf. Mateless.]

  1. Having no equal; unequaled. ``A matchless queen.''

  2. Unlike each other; unequal; unsuited. [Obs.] ``Matchless ears.''
    --Spenser. [1913 Webster] -- Match"less*ly, adv. -- Match"less*ness, n.


adv. In a matchless manner.

Usage examples of "matchlessly".

What he did have was an almost instinctive grasp of the thermodynamics and mechanics of steam engines, and a matchlessly fertile imagination.

She was lovely by virtue of the matchlessly simple and swift line that the Creator had, at a single stroke, drawn all around her, and in this divine form she had been handed over, like a child tightly wrapped in a sheet after its bath, into the keeping of his soul.