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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mast \Mast\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Masted; p. pr. & vb. n. Masting.] To furnish with a mast or masts; to put the masts of in position; as, to mast a ship.


Masting \Mast"ing\, n. (Naut.) The act or process of putting a mast or masts into a vessel; also, the scientific principles which determine the position of masts, and the mechanical methods of placing them.

Masting house (Naut.), a large building, with suitable mechanism overhanging the water, used for stepping and unstepping the masts of vessels.


n. (context botany English) A mast seeding. vb. (present participle of mast English)

Usage examples of "masting".

Her solid masting, her iron rigging, which was in good condition, would enable her to bear in this condition even a stronger breeze.

Dick Sands, Austin, Acteon, and Bat climbed into the masting, while Tom remained at the wheel, and Hercules on the deck, so as to slacken the ropes, as soon as he was commanded.

After numerous efforts, the fore-staff and the top-gallant mast were gotten down upon the deck, not without these honest men having a hundred times risked being precipitated into the sea, the rolling shook the masting to such an extent.

The ship, lifted by a formidable wave, had just stranded, and her masting had fallen without wounding anybody.