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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Masticate \Mas"ti*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Masticated; p. pr. & vb. n. Masticating.] [L. masticatus, p. p. of masticare to chew, prob. fr. mastiche mastic. See Mastic.] To grind or crush with, or as with, the teeth and prepare for swallowing and digestion; to chew; as, to masticate food.


vb. (present participle of masticate English)

Usage examples of "masticating".

Gronningen said, leaning back in his own bivy and masticating the shoe-leather jerky.

Then, before she could say anything, Coo had -- popped it in his mouth and began masticating with every evidence of enthusiasm and relief.

The big bronze was carefully masticating the first of the many lumps of firestone that he would chew before the end of the Fall.

Like birds, they had no teeth, but the lips were horny, resembling beaks, and obviously capable of tearing and masticating flesh.