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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Politically, it was a masterstroke that rivaled Nixon's visit to China.
▪ At the time it looked like a masterstroke, a piece of breath-taking audacity.
▪ Fred Plumb now pulled a masterstroke.
▪ His action may prove a masterstroke of symbolism.
▪ His Ministers are telling him it's a masterstroke.
▪ It proved a masterstroke despite the 20-18 defeat.
▪ The President glowed with pride and a sense of accomplishment after this masterstroke of personal diplomacy.
▪ Undeterred by the understandable timidity of his acquaintances, Goma hit upon a masterstroke of irony.

n. An action which demonstrated great skill or artistry


n. an achievement demonstrating great skill or mastery


Masterstroke may refer to:

  • Master Stroke, Italian crime film
  • " Masterstroke of Malevolence", episode of Fillmore!

Usage examples of "masterstroke".

We hoped to catch Ho Chi Minh and other governmental leaders at home, which, our briefers said, would end the war in a single masterstroke.

Opinions vary on this: pro-FLAG people argue that the Straits, with all of their ship traffic, are a relatively hazardous place to put a submarine cable and that a terrestrial crossing of the Malay Peninsula is a tactical masterstroke.

It spite of his many failures in the direction of that elusive personage, he still had the ear of the Committee of Public Safety who did not undervalue his real worth, and though, at the special sitting convened for the purpose, several members were inclined to scoff when Chauvelin expounded his plan for the capture of the spies—seeing the number of times that his masterstrokes had ended in failures—nevertheless when it was put to the vote, the majority decided in favour of the plan being carried through, starting with the arrest of the Saint-Lucque woman and her two daughters.