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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Masterhood \Mas"ter*hood\, n. The state of being a master; hence, disposition to command or hector.
--C. Bront['e].


n. The condition of being a master

Usage examples of "masterhood".

They all came to earth in their time, achieved communion with the higher powers, reached the blessed stage of masterhood, and departed to join us in the realms of spirit.

Do you covet my Masterhood so much that you would stoop to mere poison?

When the next Master of Sinanju was well on his way to Masterhood, Bamboo-hatted Kim burned his unlucky hat-although nothing could consume his poor reputation.

And so Bang spent nearly his entire Masterhood in Sinanju, content to grow old in pursuit of a leisurely life.

Thanks to your ascension to full Reigning Masterhood and my retention of title, we have entered a new, unprecedented age.

Until the moment you assumed Reigning Masterhood, you were technically my apprentice.

In a few years, when your pupil passes the first phase on his path to Masterhood, I will leave the shore and enter the caves near the village for the traditional period of seclusion.

I think that because you have grown into full Masterhood, you think you no longer need me.

Especially you, who are not equal to the demands of Masterhood and may never be.

Master of Sinanju, masterhood yourself, a white no less, how can you feel you have failed?

Once you have assumed Reigning Masterhood, I can be hidden up there to sit and gather dust with the other elderly castaways.

For it is the obligation I took upon my frail shoulders when I assumed full Masterhood, as you one day must do.

Bal-Mung spent the remainder of his masterhood in search of the Nibelungen Hoard.

Wang, who was frustrated that the first years of his masterhood had been spent proving himself to disbelieving rulers, did return to the village deeply troubled.

It is the tongue of conquerors, the language of imperial will, of self-asserting individuality, of courage, masterhood, and freedom.