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The Collaborative International Dictionary

masculine \mas"cu*line\ (m[a^]s"k[-u]*l[i^]n), a. [L. masculinus, fr. masculus male, manly, dim. of mas a male: cf. F. masculin. See Male masculine.]

  1. Of the male sex; not female.

    Thy masculine children, that is to say, thy sons.

  2. Having the qualities of a man; suitable to, or characteristic of, a man; virile; not feminine or effeminate; strong; robust.

    That lady, after her husband's death, held the reins with a masculine energy.

  3. Belonging to males; appropriated to, or used by, males. [R.] ``A masculine church.''

  4. (Gram.) Having the inflections of, or construed with, words pertaining especially to male beings, as distinguished from feminine and neuter. See Gender. -- Mas"cu*line*ly, adv. -- Mas"cu*line*ness, n.


adv. In a masculine manner.

Usage examples of "masculinely".

Vaguely he was conscious that she wore a hypnad, a hypnad which made her took tall, blonde, icy and almost masculinely efficient.

A demigod, prototype of all that was clean, masculinely virile, handsome, wholesome.

Half lying, half hovering on iridescent wings, was the biggest, most masculinely beautiful Jam I'd ever seen.

Through her tinted facebowl, he could see that she had prominent cheekbones and slightly oblique eyes, looking rather like what Lang or Hunter would call Slavic, and her purple hair was cropped masculinely short.

The masculinely shaped lips—that felt so perfect when kissed—parted slightly, showing the edges of white teeth.