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The Republic of Martyazo was a secessionist state proclaimed by Hutu rebels in Burundi on 1 May 1972. The state was located inside the mountainous Vuzigo commune, between the Makamba and Lake Nyanza. On 9 May 1972, forces of the Tutsi-dominated government of Michel Micombero occupied the region, ending the rebellion and existence of Martyazo.

Due to its life span of little more than a week, no formal government structures were ever established in Martyazo.

Because of a lack of reliable information, academics have dubbed the state "mysterious" and "ephemeral". Antoine Serukwavu was said to have been President of the state.

The creation of Martyazo and the killing of Prince Ntare V of Burundi were two events that together marked the beginning of the 1972 Civil War and Genocide.