Martinian (Sextus Martinianus)
Martinian (in full Latin form: Sextus Marcius Martinianus), who died in 325, was Roman Emperor from July to September 18, 324. He had been appointed co-emperor by Licinius.
Martinian (in Latin, Martinianus) can refer to:
- Roman emperor Martinianus
- Claude Martin, the French adventurer
- A former pupil of one of the three schools founded by Claude Martin: La Martiniere Calcutta, La Martiniere Lucknow and La Martiniere Lyon.
Several Christian saints share that name:
- Saint Martinian, martyr of Rome: see Martinian and Processus,
- Saint Martinian, one of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus.
- Saint Martinianus (bishop of Milan), reigned 423–435
- Saint Martinian of Byelozersk, Greek Orthodox saint, father superior of Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra
- Saint Martinian of Areovinchus, Greek Orthodox saint, monk
- Saint Martinian, Greek Orthodox saint, monk of Zograf Monastery killed along with 26 others in 1275.