B–E – micrographs under polarized light.
B – beautifully preserved specimen USNM 83486f with the exopods in a “rusty” preservation (cf. García−Bellido and Collins 2006).
C – stereo image of specimen USNM 139665. Exopods of preceding limbs are super−imposing each other, separated by a thin layer of sediment.
D – detail of specimen ROM 56766A in “rusty” preservation. Here the spines on the lateral side of the exopod ringlets are well preserved.
E – one of the smallest specimens of M. splendens USNM 219817e that possesses preserved appendage remains. ]] Marrella splendens is an arthropod known from the middle Cambrian Burgess Shale of British Columbia. It is the most common animal represented in the Burgess Shale.