The marraqueta (also called pan de batalla ("staple bread") in Bolivia, pan francés (“French bread”) in the south of Chile and pan batido (“whipped bread”) in the Valparaíso Region), is a crispy bread made with flour, salt, water and yeast.
This wheat bread has a crunchy texture, and is very popular in Chile, the Andean region of Bolivia and Peru but can also be found in Argentina and Uruguay.
The Bolivian marraqueta is a 60-75 g bread, sold per unit and consumed mostly in the metropolitan area of La Paz and El Alto. It is prepared in common ovens between midnight and dawn to be sold fresh and crunchy by vendors in the morning.
The Chilean marraqueta is, strictly speaking, a se-tenant pair of small rolls, baked with another pair attached, comprising four rolls in total; some confusion can be caused when ordering one marraqueta, as this may be interpreted as either two or four rolls.