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The Collaborative International Dictionary

marqueterie \mar"que*te*rie\, marquetry \mar"quet*ry\, n. [F. marqueterie, from marqueter to checker, inlay, fr. marque mark, sign; of German origin. See Mark a sign.] Inlaid work; work inlaid with pieces of wood, shells, ivory, veneer, and the like, of several colors, fitted together to form a design or picture that is then used to ornament furniture.


n. (alternative form of marquetry English)


n. inlaid veneers are fitted together to form a design or picture that is then used to ornament furniture [syn: marquetry]

Usage examples of "marqueterie".

The lamps were lit, and an open Dutch silver spirit-case stood, with some siphons of soda-water and large cut-glass tumblers, on a little marqueterie table.