A marlock or mallet is a shrubby or small-tree form of Eucalyptus found in Western Australia.
Unlike the mallee, it is single-stemmed and lacks a lignotuber. It has a dense canopy of leaves which often extends to near ground level.
Marlock species include:
- Bald Island Marlock ( Eucalyptus conferruminata or Eucalyptus lehmannii)
- Black Marlock, Black-barked Marlock ( Eucalyptus redunca)
- Comet Vale Marlock ( Eucalyptus comitae-vallis)
- Flowering Marlock, Long-flowered Marlock, Long-leaved Marlock ( Eucalyptus macrandra)
- Forrest's Marlock ( Eucalyptus forrestiana)
- Limestone Marlock ( Eucalyptus decipiens)
- Silver Marlock ( Eucalyptus tetragona)
- White Marlock, White leaved Marlock ('' Eucalyptus tetragona)
Moorts are a form of marlock with smooth, grey bark including the following species:
- Moort or Round-leaved Moort ( Eucalyptus platypus)
- Red-flowered Moort ( Eucalyptus nutans)
- Stoate's Moort ( Eucalyptus stoatei)
Usage examples of "marlock".
The extra four horses he could not provide since his waggons were all at Marlock and the two riding horses were useless for coach work.
I have my regiment billeted at Marlock, and am on my way across England to Hull, there to join General Wade.
There was no recollection of his reason for being on Marlock, or whom he had been following or why.
The sandstorms raged intermittently on Marlock through the entire nine month summer season, and could not be ignored, either by visitors or natives.
He leaves Marlock, and during the next five years he goes through the money he stole.