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n. (plural of marine English)


Marines, also known as a Marine Corps and naval infantry, are an infantry force that specializes in the support of naval and army operations on land and at sea, as well as the execution of their own operations. In the majority of countries, the marine force is part of the navy, but it can also be under the army like the Troupes de marine (French Marines) and Givati Brigade (Israeli Marines), or form an independent armed service branch like the United States Marine Corps.

Historically, tasks undertaken by marines have included: helping maintain discipline and order aboard the ship, reflecting the pressed nature of the ships' company and the risk of mutiny. Other tasks would include the boarding of vessels during combat or capture of prize ships and providing manpower for raiding ashore in support of the naval objectives.

With the industrialization of warfare in the 20th century the scale of landing operations increased; this brought with it an increased likelihood of opposition and a need for co-ordination of various military elements. Marine forces evolved to specialize in the skills and capabilities required for amphibious warfare.

Usage examples of "marines".

He vaguely remembered being taken very late to the transient barracks, where newly arrived Marines were quartered when they joined 34th FIST, before being assigned to units.

Thirty-fourth FIST had recently returned from Kingdom, a human world that had been invaded by a major force of Skinks--the name the Marines had given the aliens who invaded Society 437.

Admiral Blankenvoort stepped to the front edge of the reviewing stand and made some innocuous remarks about the courage and loyalty of the 34th FIST Marines, how proud everyone was of them, and finished with a remark about how well deserved were the decorations and promotions about to be given to so many.

Commands were shouted and, as one, the Marines faced right and began marching.

Then he saw the expressions and heard the voices of the Marines who boiled out of their rooms to crowd around him, and realized they were indeed responding to him, not his rank.

Ratliff, the first squad leader, said, pushing his way through the Marines in his way.

He almost shouted angrily at the excited Marines who surrounded him, still enthusiastically welcoming him back, ordered them to knock off their grab-assing and show respect for their dead.

He knew those dead Marines would live forever in the collective memory of the Corps.

Twenty-nine Marines who depended on him to lead them to successful completion of whatever mission was assigned to them--and bring them back alive and whole.

The 110 or so Marines standing in formation behind the barracks snapped to.

The faces of the first three, and the top three quarters of the fourth, were engraved with the names of Marines who had died in combat while serving with 34th FIST.

Nidhogge were complete and the Marines were just waiting for transportation.

The navy finally got its act together, as it always does, no matter how unlikely it seems to the Marines who have to wait, and a fleet of twenty-two Essays landed at Boynton Field, the Camp Ellis airfield.

The Marines of 34th FIST, waiting to board the Dragons, exchanged knowing glances and looked toward the navy men.

Some semithoughtful Marines thought the navy always made them wait out of pure spite.