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Marinera is a coastal dance of Peru. Marinera is a graceful and romantic couple's dance that uses handkerchiefs as props. The dance is an elegant and stylized reenactment of a courtship, and it shows a blend of the different cultures of Peru. The dance itself has gained a lot of recognition and is one of the most popular traditional dances of Peru. Ever since the 1960s, during the month of January, in the city of Trujillo, declared national capital of this dance by law N° 24.447, January 24, in 1986, and a National Contest of Marinera Norteña is held. In 2012, the Congress of the Peruvian Republic declared October 7 as Marinera Day in Trujillo City, which is celebrated with a parade and dance expressions.

The origin of the Marinera is generally traced back to the Zamacueca. Nevertheless, there are several other theories about where it comes from. Traditional accompaniment for the dance is provided cajón, clarinets, guitars, drums, and bugles.