n. (plural of marguerite English)
Usage examples of "marguerites".
That morning the women of the neighborhood had brought from the fields basil, marjoram, mint and yellow marguerites by the armful and had decked the corpse with them.
She had gathered a huge bouquet of poppies, marguerites and blue lupin - Nature's tribute to the national colours - and as she wandered through the sylvan glades she looked like some quaint dweller of the woods - a sprite, mayhap - with old mother Petronelle trotting behind her, like an attendant withc.
And of course Rebecca was there, she was pouring coffee for me and smiling, and the marguerites were blooming with the zinnias, and I loved the marguerites so much, those little white-and-yellow daisies.
First the blue lupins: their bud-laden heads were heavy and they dropped to the ground, followed by the white marguerites, that lay thick behind her now on the grass like a shroud.