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Marginocephalia (/mär′jə-nō-sə-făl′ē-ən/ Latin: margin-head) is a clade of ornithischian dinosaurs that is characterized by a bony shelf or margin at the back of the skull. These fringes were likely used for display. There are two clades included in Marginocephalia: the thick-skulled Pachycephalosauria and the horned Ceratopsia. All members of Marginocephalia were herbivores. They basally used gastroliths to aid in digestion of tough plant matter until they convergently evolved tooth batteries in Neoceratopsia (or "new Ceratopsia") and Pachycephalosauria. Marginocephalia first evolved in the Jurassic Period and became more common in the Cretaceous. They are basally small facultative quadrupeds while derived members of the group are large obligate quadrupeds. Primitive marginocephalians are found in Asia, but the group migrated upwards into North America

Pachycepalosaurs, or "thick-headed reptiles", have primitive features that include basally small sized bodies, bipedalism, and simple teeth with one row in operation at a time that are replaced as they are worn down. As they evolved, pachycepalosaurs derived much thicker and advances skull roofs including dome forms with horn-like ornamentation. Some research suggests these domes were used like helmets for protection while head-butting members within the same species. Some research suggests their necks were not strong enough to support such an impact. Flat-headed pachycepalosaur speciments have been found in Asia, and there is great controversy on the meaning of these flat heads. Recent research suggests the flat heads could be a juvenile state before developing the dome shape in the adult stage. It could also be evidence of sexual dimorphism with the female being more flat-headed.

Ceratopsians, or "horn-faced dinosaurs", differentiate from pachycepalosaurs with the presence of a rostral bone, or beak. They are also known for having a jugal horn and a thin parietal-squamosal shelf that extends back and up into a frill. This frill could have been used for anchoring jaw muscles, as well as for display or protective purposes. The horns were likely used for establishing dominance or defending territories. One of the earliest members of this group is the Psittacosaurus, which is one of the most species-rich dinosaur genus from Asia. Ceratopsians later evolved into very large quadrupeds with elaborate facial horns such as Triceratops and Centrosaurus. There was no change in richness of species throughout the Cretaceous before the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction.