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margin of safety

n. an index indicating the amount beyond the minimum necessary; "in engineering the margin of safety is the strength of the material minus the anticipated stress" [syn: safety margin, margin of error]

Margin of safety (financial)

Margin of safety (safety margin) is the difference between the intrinsic value of a stock and its market price.

Another definition: In Break even analysis ( accounting), margin of safety is how much output or sales level can fall before a business reaches its breakeven point.

Margin of safety

Margin of safety may mean:

  • Margin of safety (financial) in a financial context
  • Margin of safety (medicine) for pharmaceutical drugs
  • Margin of safety (accounting) in cost accounting
  • Margin of safety in engineering, especially structural engineering contexts
  • Margin of Safety by Seth Klarman, a classic value-investing book

Usage examples of "margin of safety".

You are not to talk to anyone from the Choi household, especially Mingxia, for the next month, and you will make a retreat here in the mission house.

Drizzt said again to Regis, trying to cheer up his thoroughly miserable friend as they sat in the Mud and rode out the night, the incessant booming of the thunder and pounding of the hail a constant reminder of the small margin of safety.

As it was, her margin of safety was next to negligible, for as she swung nimbly to the lower branches the creature in pursuit of her crashed among the foliage almost upon her as it sprang upward to seize her.

Fortunately, the bed was a little higher than the chair seat, but that slim margin of safety wouldn't last long.

He kept his eyes on the road, picking up speed and heading out of town, pushing the speed limit as well as the margin of safety.

If he did have to call in a laser strike on the area, the extra five kilometers would give the landing party a good margin of safety.

Who knows, who can dare to say, how much has been cut off the margin of safety by that time?

Adult Horch weighed about as much as I did, and I suppose the builders had allowed some margin of safety.

To maintain the proper margin of safety, steps should be taken to slow things down.

A greater margin of safety was also required because of the gas giants with far-reaching electromagnetic fields that lived in orbit around the Rock's star.

Still, if I could put a mile or so between myself and the old camp, that should be sufficient to give myself the margin of safety I needed—.

Still, if I could put a mile or so between myself and the old camp, that should be sufficient to give myself the margin of safety I needed-from what I didn't know.

Those sixty-one seconds represent a necessary margin of safety for the passenger.

It gave us a margin of safety that we wouldn't have had in warmer climates.

Or try to trace Mark's call and find out just how much margin of safety was still left to them.