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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Marena \Ma*re"na\, n. [NL. Salmo maraena, G. mar["a]ne, mor["a]ne; -- so called from Lake Morin, in the March of Brandenburg, in Prussia.] (Zo["o]l.) A European whitefish of the genus Coregonus.


n. (context archaic English) A European whitefish of the genus ''Coregonus''.

Usage examples of "marena".

The original inhabitants, the Marena Dimura, are a people related to those of the south coastal kingdoms of Libiannin, Cardine, Hellin, Daimiel, and Dunno Scuttari.

And this Willis Northen, who used a Marena Dimura name, was a Kaveliner Wesson.