vb. (context obsolete English) (en-past of: march)
Usage examples of "marcht".
But he takes it all on himself, sez he is the guilty wretch, and is marcht off to prison.
And now faire Phoebus gan decline in hastHis weary wagon to the Westerne vale,Whenas they spide a goodly castle, plastForeby a riuer in a pleasaunt dale,Which choosing for that euenings hospitale,They thither marcht: but when they came in sight,And from their sweaty Coursers did auale,They found the gates fast barred long ere night,And euery loup fast lockt, as fearing foes despight.
Which when Malbecco saw, out of his bushVpon his hands and feete he crept full light,And like a Gote emongst the Gotes did rush,That through the helpe of his faire hornes on hight,And misty dampe of misconceiuing night,And eke through likenesse of his gotish beard,He did the better counterfeite aright:So home he marcht emongst the horned heard,That none of all the Satyres him espyde or heard.
And him beside marcht amorous Desyre,Who seemd of riper yeares, then th'other Swaine,Yet was that other swayne this elders syre,And gaue him being, commune to them twaine:His garment was disguised very vaine,And his embrodered Bonet sat awry.
After all these there marcht a most faire Dame,Led of two grysie villeins, th'one Despight,The other cleped Cruelty by name:She dolefull Lady, like a dreary Spright,Cald by strong charmes out of eternall night,Had deathes owne image figurd in her face,Full of sad signes, fearefull to liuing sight.