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Mapulaca is a municipality in the Honduran department of Lempira.

It is one of the smallest municipalities in the south of Lempira department. It is hard to get there and the traveller can take any road, however, the suggested option is via Santa Rosa de Copán-San Marcos de Ocotepeque-Cololaca-Valladolid-La Virtud-Mapulaca. On the other hand, if the traveller is coming from La Esperanza, Intibuca obviously the road to take is via Santa Cruz- San Andrés- Candelaria-Either way it takes about 5 or 6 hours to get there. There is a well known point on the border, "El Puente Colgante" (The Hanging Bridge), which leads to Sonsonate municipality in El Salvador. Also there is a new bridge called "Puente La Intregracion."