vb. (en-pastmap out)
Usage examples of "mapped out".
While the cargo vessel was dispatched to Portland for cement and building materials, Bonterre had mapped out the exact lie of the ancient pirate cofferdam, taking samples for later archaeological analysis.
Mundek assigned his guards, rationed what little food was left, and mapped out a dawn patrol.
We quickly mapped out the draft, and just as we sat together to finalize it, one of them - I can't now remember who -suddenly said, 'What if we simply make a pre-training right IMHV lesion?
And Broughton has very carefully mapped out the developmental stages of self and knowing that lead up to this new centauric mode of being-in-the-world.
Then he'd mapped out a series of cues for memory and mood changes over fifteen subjective minutes.
Not just our own neural wetware, mapped out to the subcellular level and executed in an emulation environment on a honking great big computer, like this: That's not posthuman, that's a travesty.
American spysats had had the Perchorsk ravine mapped out in fine detail for close on twenty years now.