Mantelzorg means Family care in Dutch. It describes the system of informal social care in the Netherlands.
Informal care is the care for chronically ill, disabled and needy by relatives: relatives, friends, acquaintances and neighbours. Typically, there is a pre-existing personal relationship between the caregiver and his or her neighbour. This care is normally unpaid.
In the Netherlands, there are 3.6 million people who care for another. Around 1.1 million caregivers provide more than 8 hours per week and for more than three months for another. 450 000 carers feel burdened or overburdened. Most carers find it natural to care for their neighbour, but run into numerous problems. For example, it is difficult to combine caring with paid employment, it is difficult to transfer temporarily to caring and many carers incur extra cost.
Every year in the Netherlands Dag van de Mantelzorg, Carers Day is celebrated. Across the country there are organized activities for carers. This takes place in the week of the Chronically Ill in November.
In Flanders there are a number of associations that represent the interests of carers, including the Kenniscentrum Mantelzorg association.